Dear Maria,
So nice that you wrote to me and such a nice letter too.
Firstly, I really cannot remember why I made you a contact. Sorry. Most of my contacts are because they have good or interesting photos. You have some lovely photos that I have enjoyed browsing. Maybe it was because you commented or favourited one of my photos? Anyway my endevour has paid off because you have written such a nice letter!
How dare you say that I am not a feminist!!! I believe in equality. I find it difficult to accept women who act weak or inferior to men (and men that accept or encourage this). I see it a lot, especially some of the awfuls pictures that some "artistic" girls do in flickr. I saddens me and I wrote about it at
"Photos of Eingedi, Israel" by Saul

Ein Gedi is a real beauty spot. Palestinians who live in Israel or in Jerusalem can visit Ein Gedi anytime they fancy. The manager of the park is a Palestinian! West Bank Palestinians cannot enter Israel. A small minority of West Bank Palestinians started a terrorist war (the second Intifada) against Israel. This included suicide bombers in buses and shopping centres, drive by shootings and more. The Palestinian Authority did not do enough (anything) to stop this mayhem. Therefore West Bank Palestinians are not allowed into Israel without special permission (which is rare) and the wall was built. There were two bombing attacks in my town (Beer-Sheva) but since the wall was built everything has been quiet thank God. The palestinians believe all of Israel is theirs, Israelis do not agree. Twice - in 1947 and in the 1990s - the Palesinians were given the opportunity to have their own state - and twice they rejected it.
Israel is a Jewish State and all Jews have an automatic right to be Israeli. The same rule exists in almost every country in the world. If you have one parent say French and the other Israeli and you were born in Saudi - then you can be French if you want. French, German, Irish and many others are very particular about this right.
I am sorry you were harrased at the Israeli border. I was harrased entering a government office in Beer-Sheva last week, a very young security guard insisted on checking my bag very, very thoroughly. It is a fact of life in Israel. I was angry with her which is even more stupid of me. Too many times people have smuggled bombs and guns into public places and done awful things with them. Non-Jewish, young women (I think you are one of these) get specially checked because of that horrid story of the Arab terrorist that gave his Irish girl-friend a bomb to carry on the plane and she was pregnant from him. A "harrassing" security guard saved her life and the lives of all the other people on the plane.
You must tell me about yourself. Why are you interested in Israel/Palestine, when are you coming next to visit?! Tell me where you were and about the water issue. What were your parents doing in Ethiopia. Do you speak Amharic and Swedish. I am (ugly) white Ashkenazi and my wife is (very beautiful) black Yeminite, we are both Jewish, our son is half-half. He is stunning. That's all skin deep. What are you? (Wow that is a good question.) I got all political - sorry if that is not your cup-of-tea.
Please write back and tell me your thoughts.
S a u l
So nice that you wrote to me and such a nice letter too.
Firstly, I really cannot remember why I made you a contact. Sorry. Most of my contacts are because they have good or interesting photos. You have some lovely photos that I have enjoyed browsing. Maybe it was because you commented or favourited one of my photos? Anyway my endevour has paid off because you have written such a nice letter!
How dare you say that I am not a feminist!!! I believe in equality. I find it difficult to accept women who act weak or inferior to men (and men that accept or encourage this). I see it a lot, especially some of the awfuls pictures that some "artistic" girls do in flickr. I saddens me and I wrote about it at
"Photos of Eingedi, Israel" by Saul

Ein Gedi is a real beauty spot. Palestinians who live in Israel or in Jerusalem can visit Ein Gedi anytime they fancy. The manager of the park is a Palestinian! West Bank Palestinians cannot enter Israel. A small minority of West Bank Palestinians started a terrorist war (the second Intifada) against Israel. This included suicide bombers in buses and shopping centres, drive by shootings and more. The Palestinian Authority did not do enough (anything) to stop this mayhem. Therefore West Bank Palestinians are not allowed into Israel without special permission (which is rare) and the wall was built. There were two bombing attacks in my town (Beer-Sheva) but since the wall was built everything has been quiet thank God. The palestinians believe all of Israel is theirs, Israelis do not agree. Twice - in 1947 and in the 1990s - the Palesinians were given the opportunity to have their own state - and twice they rejected it.
Israel is a Jewish State and all Jews have an automatic right to be Israeli. The same rule exists in almost every country in the world. If you have one parent say French and the other Israeli and you were born in Saudi - then you can be French if you want. French, German, Irish and many others are very particular about this right.
I am sorry you were harrased at the Israeli border. I was harrased entering a government office in Beer-Sheva last week, a very young security guard insisted on checking my bag very, very thoroughly. It is a fact of life in Israel. I was angry with her which is even more stupid of me. Too many times people have smuggled bombs and guns into public places and done awful things with them. Non-Jewish, young women (I think you are one of these) get specially checked because of that horrid story of the Arab terrorist that gave his Irish girl-friend a bomb to carry on the plane and she was pregnant from him. A "harrassing" security guard saved her life and the lives of all the other people on the plane.
You must tell me about yourself. Why are you interested in Israel/Palestine, when are you coming next to visit?! Tell me where you were and about the water issue. What were your parents doing in Ethiopia. Do you speak Amharic and Swedish. I am (ugly) white Ashkenazi and my wife is (very beautiful) black Yeminite, we are both Jewish, our son is half-half. He is stunning. That's all skin deep. What are you? (Wow that is a good question.) I got all political - sorry if that is not your cup-of-tea.
Please write back and tell me your thoughts.
S a u l
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