12 June 2007

Maria > Saul: wait, i would never intensionally insult you or anyone else. what i meant

selam saul,

wait, i would never intensionally insult you or anyone else. what i meant by writing "watch out for the norms of patrichal, whitness and eurocentrism" is the way they work.

beeing white is never a bad thing. that´s the thing. but I am not talking about your skin colour - that would be racism but rather of whitness as an ideology.

"Major areas of research include the nature of white identity and of white privilege, the historical process by which a white racial identity was created, the relation of culture to white identity, and possible processes of social change as they affect white identity"

I would and could never tell if you are a patriarchal but since we all live in a patriarchal world that´s the norms and structures I wanted to point out. nothing personally.

why should I have to mention if I have a girlfriend? aha, because the norms tell you that such a choice is not assumable if not mentioned or marked? that is hetrosexuality and patriarchal norms in action. your numbers (98%!!?) still envolves a lot of individuals couldn´t I be one of them? (I cant be bothered to problematises the numbers since it´s just that numbers. there are so many numbers but never more than individuals). and yes, it´s ok to assume otherwise our life and world would be to complicated to grasp and navigate within...

but my question here is rather, why did you feel so insulted? in our whole conversation we have been opting diffrent views and worlds against eachother and with them ideologies and rethoric. my wish was only to make you alert that one way of catagoring or assuming people right off is also a way that norms reproduce itselfs and with them the polarisation. (jews - arabs aso) I myself nowdays use variouse technics to find out the sex of the other if really have to know. so that´s why I wanted to know how you came to that conclution.

law and MA in public adminstration...
aha.. intresting. would I be fair to assume that you nowdays also work with in that field?

: maria

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