12 July 2007

Maria > Saul: No suprises cause Thailand is not Burma! (part II)

Hi Saul,

I just very fast have to reply to the "Burma vacation". No, I have not been to Burma (Myanmar). And I would never go either especially under this horrible regim. I am also very sceptical on the "democracy effect" tourism has. Saul, you have misstaken Thailand for Burma on the flickr map! (see the map here > http://www.uwm.edu Map Thailand.jpg)

I would never claim that there are "really evil countries" in the world - how is that possible at all? And by doing that does that mean that the other "non evil" countries never have done anything as evil? Or can be evil at all? And is it the country (the mountains, streets, people, arts, food aso) that is evil or the persons/ideology that run it the system?

I am not a fan on biography but If I ever get around hers would be one of the "musts". She is the greatest!

Lala Tov.

: m


Lorcan said...

I am really enjoying this exchange between you both, Saul and Maria. I don't think I would want to weigh in on the issues, but rather compliment the process. I agree with Saul on one point, peace treaties don't make peace. Personally, I think peace can only happen with a controlled process of peace and reconciliation talks, similar to what took place in South Africa. I covered the war in the northern counties of Ireland in the 70s, and I long for such a process in Ireland. We Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) undertook healing through group talking in Germany after the nazi era. Directed talk towards understanding does work I think. Even we Quakers have deeply divisive issues at times, from the nature of Jesus Christ\Yeshua ben Joseph (thank God Quakers don't have guns when we try and work out THAT divide among us)! to the proper relationship of a Meeting for Worship and a Quaker school. I find when I clerk meetings where there is great division, talk can't happen without moderation. I find the two most outspoken advocates of the deepest divide and stop the discussion. I ask that they both take time to rest in silence and then begin to speak only to the common ground heard in the others message. It takes time, but time is the key to really doing something right. Crafting a masterpiece of a chair or a peace takes time.
I think fear is the only enemy on earth. We are afraid of loss, afraid of so much, afraid to show a weakness to those with whom we are in conflict. Good talk takes courage.
I must say, here in the United States we have succumbed to the politics of fear, and the theater of fear. Each day we give up more rights, out of fear, while our nation kills tens of thousands of innocents in the name of fear. I know this has made life in much of the rest of the world much more dangerous than ever it might make the US "safe." We have a lot to for which we must atone, repent, and for which to ask forgiveness

To both of you, thanks for the light
and in the light

Re:help me out said...

Hi Lorcan,

I love your comment! I myself think that what Saul and I have going on is an very constructive way of dealing with sucha infected conflict.

Regarding the reconcilation talks in S. Africa there has to be justice involved aswell. That is what lacked in those talks where hard-core white rasist go "off" by pleading guily to cold murders of many "blacks"...
Without justice there will never be any peace or progress...

I think Israeli-Palestinan conflict is very divers and on so many levels - religious, rethoric, history, security, basic, resources, ideology... it actually never stops which makes it hard to graps and discuss...

Regarding US all I can say is that I do appreciate Your comments about the "self made" situation which now fuels so much hatred.

Thanks for your light - let´s try to keep eachother shining in the dark!


: maria